Sunday, November 8, 2009

"If I wasn't a Celebrity...

would you be so nice to me?" Yes, I just quoted an old yet amazing N*Sync song. Don't judge me. I highly suggest spending some time on youtube watching some old videos from them... it's great comic relief.

"Celebrity" is the topic of this blog. The only qualification for celebrity status here is white skin. If you do not enjoy being stared at constantly, then I recommend that you stay out of Korea. Example: In the subway station on Saturday evening, two young girls (13/14 years old) went wide-eyed when they saw me, giggled, covered their mouths in embarrassment, and waved at me. I just side-smiled awkwardly, looked around, realized they were looking at ME, and waved back. Is this what it's like to be Miley Cyrus?

I don't know how I feel about all this. On one hand, I feel flattered by the stares, and since I'm talentless in all areas of life, this might be the only fame I ever get. On the other hand, it's week two. This will get old. Soon.


Image: a sweatshirt I found in Dongdaemun markets on Saturday evening. I was disappointed that I hadn't bought anything yet and said to David, "Nothing really has caught my eye--" And literally as I said "eye," I spotted this sweatshirt. Holly AND St. Louis on the same piece of clothing in KOREA--if I believed in fate, I'd say I was destined to be here.

1 comment:

  1. That shirt has your name written all over it!! Haha! What are the odds that YOU would find THAT shirt in KOREA??
